We know it is a big deal, making what seems like a rather life changing decision.
Choosing a course to train in Nutrition can be overwhelming. Most of us have either been there and done it, or been there and still going around in circles not quite sure.
Want to train in Nutrition Medicine for the 21st century?
We cover several modalities:
Nutritional medicine which includes functional tests as well as nutrition and cell salts
Integrative life coaching which is about partnering with people in supporting them to move forward with their life and health goals. For example how many people know what to eat, but are 'stuck' in making healthy choices? How many people have type 2 diabetes but have a 'toxic' relationship with sugar? This is where coaching shines bright.
Naturopathy: Naturopathic cleanses, observational tests, Rapid Relief Homeopathy, sarcodes, bowel nosodes, biodynamic biotransformation, organ drainage and support.
Why do you want to train in Nutrition?
Do you only want to train in nutrition, then this is NOT the course for you. Let's explain this, so we are not just saying 'goodbye' just in case you have not thought about what you plan on doing post graduation.
We are finding, more and more people 'seem to know' what to eat, as we have social media (some not so great) but some can be very informative. Take diabetes type 2 as an example. This is a chronic condition, one that can be totally reversed with nutrition. As one implements the nutritional advise provided, we start to see the blood markers such as HbA1c come down, the insulin levels go down, inflammation reduces, cardiovascular parameters improve such as homocysteine. It is not difficult to reverse chronic conditions.
BUT...we find that most people cannot make the change in addressing their 'toxic' relationship with foods that aggravate this condition, such as sugar, refined carbohydrates, alcohol etc.
Now, we are not 'party poopers', we know how to have a good time ;) but we also know how to have a good time without these 'foods'. This is about behavioural change, but in order to address this we believe in looking deeper. What is 'blocking' the change? Is the food used to 'numb' feelings? Is sugar used to 'suppress' pain? Are the adrenals 'flat lining' due to emotional stress and therefore that flat line is craving sugar to stay 'online'?
Scenario Two: A mother is overwhelmed, she has a child that is neurodiverse, this may be a child with PANDAS or ADHD, ADD, etc., mom is doing everything to support her child. Her child has severe tantrums to the point he/she is breaking things in the home, biting his/her sibling, anxious about going to school that Sunday evenings are 'hell'.
Mom is doing all the online mini courses, getting DNA tests done, comprehensive stool tests, Organic Acid Test etc. but in the process mom is developing an auto-immune condition. She is 'burning out' her HPA axis, and convincing her partner that 'alternative medicine' is the way forward, however he is not 'having any of it'.
Scenario Three: Suzi has tried the homeopathic pills, she has done the detox, but her symptoms are returning and/or she has developed new symptoms. We know that her health is not just about popping homeopathic pills, or wearing a health device, or sticking to a regimented nutrition plan and obsessing over blood sugar levels, but it is actually about her work environment. The deadlines seem to be piling up, the lack of support at work is impacting her health and she just can't see a way out, because she is busy 'surviving'.
Imagine having the skills to support all the above real scenarios. No pill, supplement or food will fix this, this is about the person's ability to see out side of their vision.
Why Life Coaching?
Most practitioners see this in practice, and are not equipped/qualified to support their clients/patients in making changes, in seeing the blind spots, in looking deeper at the 'root causes'. Therefore, our diploma course is integrated with life coaching. The inner work is a large part of healing, addressing subconscious blocks, such as feeling 'not good enough' or like an 'imposter', or have grown up believing they have no agency.
Hence life coaching is a core part of the diploma course at the School.
We believe for healing to take place, it has to be holistic, Mind and Body.
We also integrate various naturopathic tools, such as cell salts, cleanses, organ support and drainage, homeopathic biotransformation and Rapid Relief Homeopathy.
All these various modalities enhance healing and wellbeing. We know what it is like to be a nutritional therapist and coach in today's times. Our curriculum has been put together by a team of experts in their fields who between them have over 50 years experience and have seen what works and what does not work. Our curriculum has also been guided by our students, so that we are aware of their specific needs and what they feel is important to include.
If you are still reading this far....then you may want to come and visit us on one of our open days.
We have the open days, so you can get a better idea of what we are about and you can meet our current students. Our open days are regular teaching weekend days, so you get a real sense of what our teaching is like, the learning environment, the community vibe, the venue, etc. If you miss the open days we do have online open day in summer, but we prefer you to come in and experience the School, after all we are working with people and being with people is how we like it. You also get to immerse yourself in the energy of the School, which we believe is important for you to experience.
You may decide the School is your vibe and you like the community feel where everyone knows you by name and you like the integrative nature of the School curriculum or you may decide you want to study where you can feel more anonymous and be part of a larger environment and/or do it all online. Either way it is important that you know what you want from a course. At the new school we are a community, we are invested in our students and in our teaching and the teaching team all have a passion in what they bring to the School and we want you to find the right learning and inspiring and nurturing environment for you.
If you are ready to apply.....
Is it a nutrition course? Yes
Is it naturopathic course? Yes
Is it an accredited course? Yes
Are there exams? No
How are students assessed? through assignments and participation
How many weekend? 20 weekends over 2 years
Is there a School clinic? Yes, this is in year 2 and we are offering post grad clinic too
What qualifications do I need? Passion to help others in their health journey, GCSEs and a 'can do' attitude
What if I am overseas? You can apply and all overseas students are expected to attend live
What if I miss a lesson? They are all recorded and are accessible in a student portal
These are some popular questions we are asked but more HERE.
We appreciate this is an investment on your part as well as the School's part.
We cover several modalities:
Nutritional medicine which includes functional tests as well as nutrition and cell salts
Integrative life coaching which is about partnering with people in supporting them to move forward with their life and health goals. For example how many people know what to eat, but are 'stuck' in making healthy choices? How many people have type 2 diabetes but have a 'toxic' relationship with sugar? This is where coaching shines bright.
Naturopathy: Naturopathic cleanses, observational tests, Rapid Relief Homeopathy, sarcodes, bowel nosodes, biodynamic biotransformation, organ drainage and support.
Have more questions? Want to meet the team? Want to meet the students? Book an open day
Some of the functional tests covered in the nutrition medicine module include:
Cell membrane health analysis
DNA tests
Liver phase 1 and 2
Adrenal stress tests
Blood tests
Thyroid tests
Sex hormone tests that include hormone metabolites
Organic acids tests for certain vitamins and neurotransmitters
Liver function tests

Here is some advise, before applying:
What is your vision?
What do you want to get from a course?
What do you want to do following the course?
Do you enjoy learning?
Are you intrinsically motivated?
Do you feel excited by the course?
Have you met some of the teachers?
Have you met the principal? Do they resonate with you?
What is the vision of the school? Does that vision resonate with you?
We hops this has been helpful. Feel free to reach out to us with any further questions regarding the diploma course HERE.
The world needs 21st century practitioners!
From the team at The New School Of Nutritional Medicine
Learn about the Founder & Principal of the New School of Nutritional Medicine, Dr Khush Mark PhD HERE.