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The Biochemistry Matrix At The New School Of Nutritional Medicine.

At the New School of Nutritional Medicine, we look at the body as a whole, we do not shy away from the biochemistry matrix. The biochemistry matrix that is integrated in mind-body .

Did you see the final with Novak Djokovic?

That utter sheer brilliant performance, that utter determination with such 'togetherness'. How does one do that? Have you checked out his nutrition? Well it is clean, it is nurturing and in some cases 'food for a champion!' Now don't get us wrong, we are not saying we are raising Novak's but we may be raising Novak's in the world of Integrated Nutritional Medicine.

At the end of the match, he went up to that box, where his 'people' watched and cheered him on. People he is connected to, people he feels safe with, his 'home'. He let go in that safe space, he cried, he hugged and got back up and took that trophy.

That moment, where he let go, was a sign of strength and the power of the human

body and mind. The human body is capable of so much, and that mindset is a 'force'. If you missed his speech at the end, maybe pause here and go and listen to it. It signifies the power of coaching, that person who will cheer you on, provide that 'safe space' and trust. Check out his speech.

The Biochemistry Matrix

If you have not watched the Matrix, you may not totally appreciate this biochemistry matrix. But in that matrix everything is connected, every biochemical reaction is plugged into another. Every reaction involves another action and so on. Nothing is 'outside' or unrelated, it is all part of the matrix.

In the West we have this habit of compartmentalising the body. Have a gut issue go and see a gastroenterologist. Have unusual thoughts, see a psychiatrist. Have diabetes, go and see an endocrinologist. Have high blood pressure go and see a cardiologist.

Have you ever stopped and wondered 'what if the high blood pressure, the high blood sugar, the unusual thoughts and the indigestion are all linked? '

What if we told you they can all be linked?

At the New School of Nutritional Medicine, we steer away from looking at our fellow humans as 'body parts'. As if this is the mind, this is the nervous system and this is the cardiovascular system, no this is the Pyscho-Neuro-Immuno-Endodrine-Microbiome system and more. You have high blood pressure, let's look at some nervous system calming supplements, maybe some theanine with some passilflora, to reduce that stress.

But hold on, what if that high blood pressure, is because of the high pressured job, that he/she feels they cannot leave, as this high pressured job is paying the bills and they just could not leave that job. How is this theanine with a dash of passiflora going to address the the belief system? 'This high pressured job pays my bills'. This is reality. You may be reading this and think, this is correct, how can they leave that job as it pays the bills.

Coaching Is About Understanding The WHOLE person.

Understanding the WHOLE person with that high pressured job, understanding their world, hearing their story, allowing them to reflect in a safe space. It is about 'daring' to look beyond the matrix. If you missed Amy's blog on coaching, check it out HERE.

Our belief system impacts the biochemistry matrix. We have seen clients who do a Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR), see a high spike in their cortisol just from lying in bed thinking about the 'to do list' for that day. Or even lying in bed scrolling through their emails on their phone. Imagine, without even getting out of bed, without even a morning sip of coffee, the cortisol is shooting up through to the heavens! At the New School of Nutritional Medicine we coach, we learn to coach and with this we learn the science of how this morning routine impacts the biochemistry matrix.

We teach the various connections between that gut issue, unusual thoughts, high blood sugar and high blood pressure.

Have a gut issue go and see a gastroenterologist. Have unusual thoughts, see a psychiatrist. Have diabetes, go and see an endocrinologist. Have high blood pressure go and see a cardiologist.

The Biochemistry Matrix

So let's name him Mr Patel. Mr Patel, is experiencing ...

- indigestion, more so uncomfortable bloating

- thoughts of rage, craving 'addictive' foods like sugar

- has been diagnosed with high blood sugar

- has been diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure)

The digestive symptoms are due to the yeast that was picked up in his comprehensive stool test. It happens that this yeast produces a metabolite called p-cresol that blocks an enzyme that makes noradrenaline from dopamine. So his dopamine levels start to build up. Also adrenaline is made from noradrenaline...so this results in an imbalance in the levels between dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline.

High dopamine (without the balance with noradrenaline and adrenaline) can be linked to aggression, being very competitive, poor impulse control, it can lead to addictions, ADHD etc.

So this 'addictive' type behaviour for sugar leads to high blood sugar and the high blood sugar leads to high blood pressure. This is the biochemistry matrix.

Blue Pill or The Red Pill?

At the New School of Nutritional Medicine we do not shy away from looking into the biochemistry matrix and understanding it as much as is possible. We are all part of this matrix. Mr Patel could choose the blue pill or the red pill. He could unplug from the toxic biochemistry matrix by addressing the gut, or stay plugged into the toxic biochemistry and take the blood pressure medications and diabetic medications...which pill do you choose?

Integrarive Nutritional Medicine Diploma

We have our dates for the next academic year (2023-2024). Have a look at our 2 year part time Integrated Nutrition Diploma Course and if you have any questions about the Diploma course drop us an email we will be in touch.


From the team at the New School Of Nutritional Medicine.

Learn about the Founder & Principal of the New School of Nutritional Medicine, Dr Khush Mark PhD HERE.

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