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Read reviews about our nutritional medicine course


"I have loved this course and it has informed my practice since day 1. I cannot recommend it highly enough."


"Studying Integrated Nutrition changed my life! 

I am now fully equipped to help and empower others. It is remarkable to see how integrating Nutrition into my practice can change lives."

What the students are saying...

I have loved this course and it has informed my practice since day 1. The quality of the lecture notes themselves is worth its weight in gold. Every lecture contained in depth, scientific and evidence-based health and nutritional information delivered in a manner that makes it to relatable to clients and any subsequent health/nutrition programme.

I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Claire Mac Donald MSc, DPO, DO / Osteopath

Studying Integrated Nutrition changed my life! After working in the corporate field for more than 15 years I was craving a change & one that would make a difference. I was always interested in Nutrition. Studying with Khush at the previous College, I can say the curriculum covered so many wonderful topics from the history of food, macro and micronutrients, the digestive system, the detox system, immune system, hair tissue mineral analysis, gut microbiome analysis to the opportunity to be a part of the student clinics and so much more. I was especially drawn to how practical and hands-on the course was. 

I absolutely loved the lectures and looked forward to each weekend. I was surprised by how little I knew about true nutrition once I was introduced to the concept of bio-individuality, the importance of the health timeline, minerals, blood sugar balance, and stomach acid, I could go on! It was such a privilege to be taught by Khush, she is an inspiration, and a wealth of knowledge, she is passionate, can break complex matters into easy-to-understand bite-sized pieces and loves to teach. Khush's lecture notes are everything! I still refer to them to this day. You would be fortunate to have Khush as your teacher.   

This course motivated me to do inner work. Through this continued self-exploration and healing alongside the education and training, I am now fully equipped to help and empower others. It is remarkable to see how integrating Nutrition into my practice can change lives. Since starting to practice, I have cleared long-standing eczema, helped couples to conceive, reversed PMS & healed adenomyosis and this is all through the things I learned during my time as a student. Studying integrated Nutrition was one of the best decisions I have made.


Be prepared to unlearn and relearn, make true lifelong friends, and be trained as a 21st-century practitioner. I highly recommend this course. 

Nadine | Nurturing Fertility / Nutritional Therapist & Homeopath


"It’s been a privilege to learn from @drkhushmarkphd who’s knowledge and passion blows my mind, and to have shared this experience with so many incredible women."


"What I have learnt in such a short period of time has allowed me to improve my own health, help those I love, and enable me to feel empowered to make a difference in a world that so desperately needs it."

Two years ago in the early stages of lockdown/my existential crisis/spiritual awakening I committed to a qualification in Integrated Nutrition… I had time on my hands: plus I considered myself an expert on the subject having been to a gym, done several juice cleanses and followed every diet trending for at least three days… I had NO IDEA.


It’s been real.


These two years have simultaneously felt like a heartbeat and a lifetime. It’s been so hard but so completely worth it and today I handed in my final assignment. I can’t sum up everything I’ve learned into an instagram post but I can say this:


Never forget that no matter how you feel about your body today, you are amazing. The human body is a genuine miracle of creation, it’s your forever home and every second of every day it’s doing a billion things to keep you alive: show it some love.


It’s been a privilege to learn from @drkhushmarkphd who’s knowledge and passion blows my mind, and to have shared this experience with so many incredible women.

Francesca Burns / Consultant, Stylist, Creative Entrepreneur

Two years of study, making friends for life and having my mind expanded in ways I didn’t think were possible.


What I have learnt in such a short period of time has allowed me to improve my own health, help those I love, and enable me to feel empowered to make a difference in a world that so desperately needs it 


I started the course as a biochemist with an interest in nutrition because of my own health issues.


Yet I was immediately humbled by the realisation that so many of us have not even been taught the bare basics when it comes to our own health.


Over the past two years I’ve seen the health of others improve when EMPOWERED with knowledge about their own bodies, nutrition and vital energy.


This empowerment is PRICELESS in world of increasing waiting lists, GP inaccessibility and funding cuts - and it’s possible for anyone.


I remember when we started @drkhushmarkphd said that we wouldn’t be the same people when we left, and she wasn’t wrong 


I’m so grateful for the soul growth 

Rachael Lloyd BSc MSc

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"Khush's lectures are thorough, very well organised, easy to understand and beautiful. She manages to make difficult concepts easy to understand."


"I still regularly review my lectures notes, they are packed full of extra information, its like having a thousand nutrition and well being books condensed."

I really love the way Khush teaches. Her lectures are thorough, very well organised, easy to understand  and beautiful. She manages to make difficult concepts easy to understand. Khush is inspiring and encouraging and you leave her lectures even more excited and curious. Khush with all her knowledge is remains ‘down to earth’ and is kind and understanding. I have no doubt whatsoever, that this School will be brilliant.

Julia / Nurse Practitioner, Nutritional Therapist & Homeopath

Khush’s lectures are packed full of relevant ‘up to date' information about practical Nutrition and lifestyle.  Khush has the art of teaching.


I still regularly review my lectures notes, they are packed full of extra information, its like having a thousand nutrition and well being books condensed. Her teaching style is very clear and she shares her abundant  knowledge in such an exciting area of nutritional medicine in a practical user-friendly way.  Khush interlinks her lectures so no one topic stands alone.


If you are thinking about joining this School, I would absolutely recommend it.

Antoinette Byrne / Nutritional Therapist & Homeopath


"Having Khush as a teacher is as if you have met the best person to be your guide. She does not give you the answers, she guides you to think for yourself."


"I found Khush’s lectures to be informative and engaging. Her approach is very hands on with real life cases."

The nutrition course is like going on a journey. You realise you thought you knew about nutrition and then discover most are either myths or ‘junk science’.  Having Khush as a teacher is as if you have met the best person to be your guide. She does not give you the answers, she guides you to think for yourself.  She builds bridges between the ‘hard core’ science and the practical aspect of nutrition. She allows you, the student or practitioner in training to ask questions, engage, and connect the dots, which is valuable in becoming a successful practitioner and an independent thinker.


If you are embarking on this course, you will not be disappointed in not only what you will gain in two years, but also the notes that you get to keep. The curriculum I was taught was packed full of relevant topics that are important to me in every day practice.

Eva / Nutritional Therapist

Having trained as a pharmacist and working in community pharmacy for  over 20 years, I felt increasingly disillusioned with my role as a health professional. I always had a keen interest in ‘alternative health’ and having ongoing problems with my own health, I started to research into holistic therapies which eventually led to me training in homeopathy and nutrition.


I found Khush’s lectures to be informative and engaging. Her approach is very hands on with real life cases. Her teaching was excellent; the notes, lectures and student clinics were extremely informative and enjoyable.


The new integrated nutrition diploma course looks very exciting and I would wholeheartedly recommend it to people who want to take control of their own health and help others achieve their health and wellness goals.

Noreen / Nutritional Therapist & Homeopath


"During my nutrition studies with Khush, I learned about the power of food as medicine.  I did not realise there was so much to nutrition."

"This course will give you the opportunity to learn coaching skills, see and believe the magic of minerals and understand how to use acute remedies, it’s really an amazing journey."

During my nutrition studies with Khush, I learned about the power of food as medicine.  I did not realise there was so much to nutrition. I thought it was about eating healthy, removing sugar and junk food. But it was much more. 


I learned how food impacts metabolism and during the course I managed to make many changes in my own life which I also extended to my immediate family.  Khush is very inspiring and supportive and made the science easier to understand and apply to my studies. 


With the knowledge and teaching gained, I have now been able to reduce my blood pressure medications as well as some of my husband’s medications. 


My husband is a medical doctor and has been very impressed with the content of the 2 year nutrition module of the course and all that I have learned and implemented. He is now a believer too. 


This new course sounds wonderful, I believe the coaching skills taught alongside  will be so valuable to any student who signs up.


Studying Integrated Nutrition with Khush has opened a whole new window in my life. Khush has always made sure that we get the most up to date information in Nutrition with slides that are easy to understand, colourful and great for visual learners like myself. Khush’s caring nature has not only helped me through the course, but has given me a boost in self confidence.


When I started the course I was a different person but three years later I feel confident, believe in myself and have realised that it doesn’t matter how tough life is, if your mindset is right, you have a clear vision of where you want to see yourself, and are passionate about it, then YOU CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING IN LIFE.


This course will give you the opportunity to learn those coaching skills, see and believe the magic of minerals and understand how to use acute remedies, it’s really an amazing journey.


Thank you Khush for believing in me and for helping me achieve my full potential.


Smiling woman

"Khush...has given me the tools and the confidence not only to support my health and wellbeing but to start my clinic."

Healthy Food

"I would wholeheartedly recommend this course, as what you learn will change your life as well as the lives of others."

I had the privilege of being trained as a Nutritional Therapist by Khush from 2018 to 2020. With extensive experience in Nutrition and Homeopathy, she brings the most up-to-date information to her lectures and teaches students to understand the root causes of clients' imbalances and how to support them by following a holistic approach.


We learnt to analyse the Gastrointestinal (GI-Map) and Hair Tissue Mineral tests, we deep-dived into diets, various health conditions, supplements and lifestyle recommendations, and we had the opportunity to discuss real cases, at the student clinic.


Having Khush as my mentor has given me the tools and the confidence not only to support my health and wellbeing but to start my clinic and make a positive change to the lives of many people.

Juliana Nocchi / Nutritional Therapist & Homeopath

I enjoyed the Nutrition course very much, it was inspiring, fun and holistic, taking into consideration the whole mind-body. I was studying homeopathy for 2 years and decided to switch as I wanted to study nutrition. I have enjoyed the course very much and am seeing clients already. 


Although I have a science background BSc and MSc, the biochemistry and science were not taught the way they were taught on the nutrition course. On the nutrition course the biochemistry and science was not only easier but it was enjoyable and inspiring as it was integrated into the nutrition and not a stand alone subject in itself. I enjoyed learning about the functional tests as well as the cell salts and I am using the tests as well as the cell salts alongside the fundamentals of nutrition with a focus on biochemical individuality


I would wholeheartedly recommend this course, as what you learn will change your life as well as the lives of others.  Also working for yourself is so much more fulfilling and flexible.

Afnan, BSc, MSc / Student Practitioner

Dr Khush Mark, it’s been a pleasure! I have loved your in-depth full of science nutrition lectures.  We have become more and more distanced from nature and its life-giving benefits. Humans have moved so far away from good basic health practices, become disconnected to our environment and somehow managed to move away from knowing how to truly fuel and nourish our body’s.  But the tide is turning and nutrition and other natural health modalities are re-evolving and Khush your courses are essential to providing knowledge and skills to future therapists, and to people who just want to know how to be fit for life.  You manage to crystalize and set nutrition and wellness practices in perfect context and make them obtainable.  Your enthusiasm and positivity is boundless, and for me, you have brought to life and underpinned my core beliefs around how good health and wellbeing is obtained fundamentally by the grace of good nutrition.  I started your course with no other intention than to gain knowledge to achieve the best possible health for me and my family but I have been inspired to extend this out and move into practice. 

Cindy Ferrari / BSc and CEO

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