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integrated nutrition course syllabus.

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Raising 21st century practitioners in nutrition medicine.

A two year accredited integrated nutrition diploma course (in person and/or online).

Apply here to start in September 2025!



In London or Live Participation Online

 This integrated nutrition diploma course is the first of it's kind. 

We are offering an inspiring, unique, comprehensive and an immersive practical educational experience  with a Diploma in Integrated Nutritional Medicine  with Life Coaching in London and live online (if residing 100 plus miles outside of London).

We are taking applications for our next academic year now. Why don't you come and join us? The curriculum is immersive, fun, practical, rigorous and 21st-century focused. 

Modern day practitioners graduating from The New School Of Nutritional Medicine will be fully qualified in nutritional medicine with a strong emphasis on coaching to support your training.  The nutrition and coaching industry is growing at such a fast pace, we believe these modalities are vital ingredients for the successful and thriving 21st century practitioner in nutrition.

This integrated nutrition medicine diploma course blends the coaching skills into the curriculum throughout the two year part time diploma. The course is accredited.

You will learn about the fundamentals of nutritional medicine, we believe 'food is medicine', the original medicine.  You will also learn to apply specific nutrition functional health tests all combined with the core basics of pharmacology and each body system. 

The teaching is WHOLEsome and integrated. Check out the reviews by previous students in nutrition.

We also provide an extensive rapid relief homeopathy course module as part of the integrated nutrition course. This allows all practitioners qualifying from the school to be able to use homeopathy in acute situations for rapid relief.  The recent virus has taught us that 'several tools in the bag come very handy' and rapid relief homeopathy is one of those vital and 'useful' tools. 


Homeopathy is a form of nano medicine that can be used to swiftly re-balance acute symptoms, no suppression, no side effects, no LD50s. And of course, no nutritional medicine school would be complete without the teachings of the thirty three biochemical cell/tissue salts. These will be taught throughout the two year integrated nutrition Diploma course.

Want more details about the integrated diploma course?

Course Fees, Dates, Modules, Location and more...

The School
Application Form


Education has changed.

We believe you do not require endless lectures and endless note taking but an inspiring and practical education with your life being the most important textbook on the reading list. You will apply the knowledge and practical teachings into daily life from the 'get go'. 

Diploma nutriton science

We take pride in offering a cutting edge and enriching integrated online and offline nutrition medicine course that is practical, inspiring and rigorous. The syllabus encompasses: 

The Course
Syllabus Form

If you want to join this movement of 21st Century practitioners, download the the integrated nutrition course syllabus, email us and we can send you our live recorded open day zoom video from August 31st, 2022. Have a read of the blogs, check out the reviews and if the information and energy 'lights your fire' then apply here. We would love to connect with you - if you have any questions drop us an email. The online course, for overseas/those residing 100 plus miles out side of London, is LIVE participation only.

Nutrition health panel


We believe a health practitioner in the 21st century is one that has a passion for wellness in wholeness, one who looks beyond the food labels, looks beyond the food on the plate, understands WHOLENESS , is an inspiration, is empathetic and knows and understands them-self. 

The old system was about the, serving size, reading food labels, counting calories, analysing the ingredients, checking the sodium content, achieving the RDA levels, in essence all about the 'externals' .....


....but what about the individual who is sitting in your clinic looking for guidance with their newly diagnosed diabetes?

It is not just about the serving size, but who is serving and who is being served.

It is not just about the food labels, or the diagnosis label but the individual experiencing the label.

It is not just about the food calories but the calories of our relationships.

It is not about the sodium content but the sodium in context. Just as it is not about the individual but the individual in relation to his/her environment. 

In nutritional medicine we joke about the achieving the 'Recommended Deadly Allowance' (RDA instead of the Recommended Daily Allowance) versus the optimum levels of a nutrient. It is not any different to our daily choices, these choices can lead to health or dis-ease. Do you get your daily quota of joy, love, enriching relationships? On this integrated nutrition course we will be teaching about the WHOLE person that includes mind, head and heart too. Vitamin joy, vitamin love and the social connection vitamin. These are not an option, they are essential ingredients and a key part of the integrated nutrition course. 



Check out our latest posts about Nutritional Medicine, Life Coaching and the Course!

 “Let the beauty of what you love be what you do" 


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