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Heart health: Which bloods tests actually matter? And the all important omega 3s.

Updated: Jan 11, 2023

High cholesterol is not good for the heart

We hear this time again and then the 'patient' is prescribed a form of medication to reduce the cholesterol usually a Statin. There are various forms of cholesterol, not just simple 'good' and 'bad' cholesterol. We have two blogs on this which you will find HERE.

So you will know for the previous heart health blogs that you want to know WHICH LDL is high and if your triglyceride levels are high, how high AND your TG:HDL ratio. This is all in the previous blog.

Moving onto a few more, and these can be requested for your doctor, and these should be available for all, as these key markers play a crucial role in the development of cardiovascular disease which is killing more people than the pandemic ever did or will.

So let's suggest that you still believe that LDL is bad and it needs to be 'suppressed' eliminated, removed...let's ask the question WHY is it high? Let's just say you have had the standard blood test and your LDL is high and it is the small sized one. As mentioned this small one is atherogenic, so yes we need to address this....but is medication the answer?

What is raising this 'small sized' LDL? The answer is in most cases inflammation. We have shared about Inflammation (see HERE). Inflammation is not really our friend when it has NO end in sight, it is actually quite the villain.

So how do you check for inflammation on the 'cheap'?

You can test for CRP (C reactive Protein) and Homocysteine. These can be requested form your main stream medical doctor. Privately, yes, they cost extra but they are worth knowing, especially if have high blood pressure, high LDL, family history of Alzheimer's Dementia, blood sugar issues such as diabetes.

It takes 17 years for scientific research to be integrated into your doctors clinical practice unless she/he practices functional medicine. that's why these tests are not regularly available but CAN BE requested.

If these are high, then see a nutritional therapist, don't leave it till it is a 'tad late'.

So for heart health IDEALLY you want to know ...

- LDL levels both large particle and small particle

- HDL levels

- Triglyceride levels (TG)

- TG:HDL ratio

- C Reactive Protein levels (CRP)

- Homocysteine levels

At the New School of Nutritional Medicine we will be teaching out future 21st century practitioners about these tests, parameters and how to address the WHOLE person to then see a shift in these parameters.

One of our favourite subjects if the omega 3 fats.

Omega 3s can reduce the risk of heart disease. Omega 3s can reduce inflammatory mediators, they are known to reduce markers such as the actually bad LDL (small sized one).

BUT, how much omega 3 do you take and which one? Why not find out exactly your body's needs with the Omega test? If this test was offered by your doctor it would save much heart ache, (no pun intended). This test can be done, interpreted and translated into a personalised nutritional plan through a qualified nutritional therapist.

We have integrated this test into the New School curriculum as we believe it is a vital test in order to reduce the risk of heart disease. This test allows one to see the fat constituents of the cell membranes. The results show the levels of the various fatty acids. Having a > 8% Omega-3 Index has been proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce inflammation, increase longevity, improve cognition! Is that not worth doing?

Remember the cytokine storm, when the pandemic was the news?

Well that could have been reduced by improving omega levels of nearly everyone. There are also some other 'fats', these are the trans fats which are inflammatory, they really have no other role in the body than just create 'havoc', too many omega 6s can be inflammatory too, but also too many omega 3s are not great either. It is all about balance, the Goldilock's effect. Too many omega 6s versus omega 3 can be inflammatory. So switching food over to a balance between omega 6s and omega 3s is key. It does not mean we want to 'drown' out the omega 6s with the omega 3s, because we do require INFLAMMATION (read here) like when we accidentally slam that finger in the door...ouch!

Make the most of your health, why not avoid a 'lifestyle dis-ease' by not only implementing all the suggestions and dietary recommendations in Khush's ebook HERE and if you fancy a mini e-course, see HERE and get some tests done to ensure you are on the right track. If you want to actually train as to become a integrated nutritional therapist as our world needs them then the 2 year part time diploma is calling you APPLY HERE

The health of the cell membrane is also key in insulin resistance.

If you

- eat white refined carbs

- do not exercise regularly

- drink juices

- alcohol

- are overweight

- need to eat regularly or are never hungry

then you are increasing the development of insulin resistance if not already insulin resistant. This is not to alarm, but to share information as to what you can do to avoid heart issues or circulation issues.

Whatever the condition, balancing your omega 3 levels can help a whole host of health issues linked to inflammation.

Do you want to train as an integrated nutritional therapist? We are blending in life coaching skills with nutritional medicine, the first 'alternative' training institute to do this and we are including rapid relief homeopathy into our informative and exciting curriculum.

Fancy joining? This is a part time 2 year course, one weekend a month, based in London in the beautiful grounds of Regent's University. It is in person for those within a 75 miles radius from London. We understand due to world changes and current financial changes we are offering the course online LIVE participation if not attending in person.

The world needs 21st century practitioners!


From the team at The New School Of Nutritional Medicine

Learn about the Founder & Principal of the New School of Nutritional Medicine, Dr Khush Mark PhD HERE.

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