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International Women's Day: Woman You Are Amazing!

In honour of International Women's Day, I am fortunate to work with so many women, women who share their stories, who teach me.

Dear Woman,

You are brave, you are resilient, you are loved.

You were birthed by a woman!

You started your life inside your grandmother. The matriarchal line is powerful. Did you know that an individual's mitochondrial genome is entirely derived from the mother? Just ponder on this for a while....and know your majestic-ness.

Woman you are amazing!

Your mother went through chronic morning sickness whilst she carried you, she took the medication and you were birthed with deformed digits. You faced rejection, bullying, and depression. Now you teach ‘A’ level biology with a passion and conviction.

Woman you are amazing!

You hit your pubescent years and you start to feel you are on a roller coaster emotionally and physically. Two weeks you are fine, you are at your best and then the next two weeks you want to either rage and roar, or you want to curl up and die. The physical pain is lacerating and the emotional pain is all engulfing. You did not want to go on anti-depressants or the birth control pill. You get through by finding support out side of the main stream narrative and you now experience one day of physical pain on the first day of the month if that.

Woman you are amazing!

You had to escape through your bedroom window from your parent’s home at the young age of 17yr. You were being forced into an arranged marriage. You found a women’s shelter. One could have said you were dis-advantaged but you now run your own business, empowering women from ethnic backgrounds to set up their own businesses.

Woman you are amazing!

You ‘cannot’ conceive, you have been trying for years. You have been prodded, poked and demoralised. You have felt totally alone, and you have been told your eggs are of poor quality, you still go on. You have the urge to have a child, you want to be a mother. You adopt a beautiful child.

Woman you are amazing!

You have your 3 children and you and your partner are going your separate ways. He wants all, he wants the house, he wants the car, he wants to take you to court for allowing your children to have ‘natural’ immunity. You are standing up, not only for your children but for every woman who has and will go through this ‘time and again’. The court has ordered the children have the non-natural immunity, you find ways to support the ‘courts’ decision by supporting your children through the process naturopathically.

Woman you are amazing!

You do what you know, you do your best with what you have, you keep going.

Woman you are amazing!

You are bereft, he took everything that you owned. The law does not see the woman that you are. You are fighting for the home that your kids grew up in, where your kids drew on the walls, where you still have their height measurement markings on the wall. You feel broken, but you have this deep inner knowing that all will be fine, just take one step at a time and breathe.

Woman you are amazing!

You stay up late at night, searching the Internet, reading articles to help your son that seemed to have changed at a certain point between the age of 1 and 3 years. He was walking, engaging, talking, he was out of diapers, so proud to be using the toilet, ‘look mummy, I did it’, he would say so proudly after a number two. He is now 6 years of age, has no speech, does not make eye contact, is wearing diapers, but you are determined. You know this is not ‘neuro-diverse’, because he was not born this way. You are not taken seriously by your doctor and the paediatrician can only recommend medications. Every day you put on your ‘armour’ and ’fight’ for him. With everything else you do, you cook from scratch all the wholesome meals to heal his gut, you use natural remedies, you send emails to your local MP, you spend hours applying for access to basic human rights for your son.

Woman you are amazing!

You gave up your job as you became a mother. You washed, cooked, cleaned, cheered your children on, through every sports event, supported them with their homework, had meetings with the teachers when you felt strongly about a topic. You listened to mother’s at the school gate share their worries and concerns. You are a natural, people come to you for advise. Your children are now at high school and do not seem to ‘need you’. You have lost all confidence to go out into the world of ‘work’, you do not know how to use a computer anymore but you want to make a difference in the world. You enrol to become a naturopathic practitioner, it is like learning a new language but your are ‘excited and fired up’. You sign up to an Adult Education evening course to learn how to use a computer. You are in your final year and already seeing clients. Not only are you proud of yourself, your children are inspired by your new found love for yourself.

Woman you are amazing!

You were dis-owned by your family for marrying out of religion and caste. You children grew up knowing they had living grandparents, who ‘rejected’ them, yet your grown-up children’s friends represent the whole globe, they have no prejudices, they do not see religion, caste, or colour. They know they are loved.

Woman you are amazing!

Your children have left the nest and are in different parts the world and your life long partner passed away. You will never stop missing him, you have grown accustomed to that ‘deep ache’ but you have re-built a new community and you help out at the local refugee charity. You watch these families find shelter, find happiness with the little they have and it brings you joy. You radiate love and kindness.

Woman you are amazing!

You are nursing your parents as well as holding the fort at home with the teenagers. You are firing on cylinders but need a big long rest.

Woman you are amazing!

You wake up everyday and do what you do against the odds. One breathe at a time.

Woman you are amazing!

Happy International Woman’s Day!

Is it a wonder that naturopathic schools are mainly full of women students? Nurturing is in their DNA but what about running a business from their nurturing skills? The goal of this school is to raise ALL students (male or female) to be 21st century practitioners. Whether you start out to help yourself and your family, our aim is to equip you for these times.

Integrarive Nutritional Medicine Diploma

At the New School of Nutritional Medicine, we teach systems biology which integrates the whole. We cannot address 21st century dis-eases with old curriculums or antiquated teaching methods. We believe in an integrative teaching style.

If you fancy studying to become an integrated nutritional therapist, genuine interest only, come and visit us, we have our open days ready for your visit. Book your space below;


The team at the New School Of Nutritional Medicine.

Learn about the Founder & Principal of the New School of Nutritional Medicine, Dr Khush Mark PhD HERE.

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